Summer Planning has begun!

The sun shining, bees buzzing, and flowers beginning to bloom can only mean one thing: CEF® Summer Missions is right around the corner. Each summer CEF of Central Alabama trains teenagers and partnering churches to go into their communities and share the Gospel with boys and girls. Last summer, equipped with nine teen missionaries and six partnering churches, we were able to conduct 5-Day Clubs® in eight different cities in Central Alabama. In over 40 different locations we reached 1,500+ children with the Gospel. Pray that God will raise up teens and churches to serve with us again.

(image) Jade Marcum and Liz Claxton lead 5-Day Cub® at Jaad's Day Care.

What can you do? Recruit a teen to serve! Get your church involved! Host a 5-Day Club®! Financially support summer missions!

Call or email Teree Solomon: 334.213.7388,