Joyful Snuggles

You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore..png

My 2 year old daughter crawled into my lap, grabbed my hand, and placed it perfectly where she wanted on her leg. She then got her milk, re-positioned my hand since moving for milk changed things up, and settled in for some great Curious George cartoon watching before bed.

She does this from time to time. I’ll be playing with her or walking around the house cleaning. Maybe I’ll even get to talk to daddy without her interrupting! But when it’s time for snuggles, she lets me know when and how to make it happen.

Being in ministry you’re always finding God in every detail of life (perk of the job!). This latest time in the picture, she told me, “Shh mom, snuggle.” She makes sure to find times to be with her mom and her dad throughout the week. These quiet moments of snuggling, hugging, random kisses to my hand or arm (or even leg!) are a reminder of how I need to be with God. I need to NEED His presence so much that I sit on the couch, grab my Bible, and spend time in prayer to be close to Him. Isabelle is always happy and giggly after she sets one of us down for snuggle time. I know when I take the time to read, pray, and meditate on the Word, I feel better too.

Psalm 16:11

You make known to me the path of life;
    in your presence there is fullness of joy;
    at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

Especially on the hump day of the week, we can be tired. We are listless at our desks as we toil toward a hopefully happy weekend. Or if you work the retail life like I did for a decade, til your next off day. J I encourage you to take a 5 minute break even and just read up on some verses about joy. I know while making this post I found the book of Psalms to be full of happiness. The last chapter, 150, is so full of praise I’ve decided to memorize it this week. May your day be full of God’s love, His joy, and His blessings.

Naomi Kemp