Team Leader Agreement Form, Importance: High

Team Leaders,

Thank you for your gracious service for the Kingdom, reaching children with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In serving with Child Evangelism Fellowship of Central Alabama, we want to make sure that our actions reflect His glory, and also ensure the safety of the children that are entrusted to us for care.

Inside of our core ministries, children will come to us either at a prayer time, or one on one. They may also come to us for counseling. If a child shares with you or a team volunteer that there is a threat made against them at their home, they show signs of abuse, or there is testimony of home abuse by parents or guardians, it is to be taken very seriously. When this is shared with you, you may feel that they are lying, or by reporting anything that you are betraying their confidence. However, legally it must be reported.

Upon this or similar instances taking place:

  1. If you have your Good News Club in a school or day care center go directly to the principle or director and tell of the incidence because a report for DHR must be filled out. Also contact me immediately, within 24 hours of the incident. The office number is 334-213-7388, and my cell phone is 334-221-0762. My email is

  2. If you are doing a Good News Club in another setting, again, contact me immediately, and we will discuss the situation. We can then work together to prepare and accurate report to send to the county DHR reporting center. This must be done within 24 hours of the information being shared by the child.

  3. We will make this matter for prayer that wisdom will be given to the authorities to discern their involvement, as well as pray for the safety of the child.

  4. All of the above steps will be kept confidential for the sake of the child.

If there are any questions, do not hesitate to ask. We want to work together for the children’s safety, and ultimately to work together tat all the children in Central Alabama are reached with the Gospel. All of you are doing a phenomenal job, and I look forward to being able to visit and observe your club.

Yours Truly, Kelley Herring

334-213-7388, CEF office

For more information visit or

AGREEMENT to follow all necessary policies

Dear Good News Club Team Leaders,

For the safety and protection of the children, you as a team leader, your team volunteers, Child Evangelism Fellowship of Central Alabama, Child Evangelism Fellowship, Inc. - Alabama Chapter, policies that are shared must be implemented in your Good News Clubs. They are non-negotiable.

One such policy is that of potential workers and supporters observing Good News Clubs. We welcome this. This policy is clearly described on the permission slip where it references “parents are welcome to observe the club.” Church leaders, potential volunteers, and potential supporters are allowed to come and see what Good News Club is all about.

What we can not allow is someone participating in the Good News Club that has not yet been screened according to the Child Evangelism Fellowship USA ministries Child Protection Policy. This include, but is not limited to: sitting with the children, holding a flashcard or song visual, participating in a review game, teaching, sharing, or any other form of implied or actual club leadership.

What is only allowed is for said unscreened person to sit at the back or corner of the room in a non-participatory role and location, solely observational.

If someone would like to participate please have them call the local office is 334-213-7388 to begin the screening process. They can also visit and mail, fax, or securely email their forms to the local office at PO Box 240704, Montgomery, AL, 36124.

Please let me know that you understand the above policy by signing and dating below. We know that you as a team leader, and a team, care deeply about the children or else you would not be out there on the front lines of ministry. We don’t seek to create needless policies; we want to see the children reached with the Gospel. However, with the world we live in, we want to ensure their protection as well as that of everyone in CEF.

Thank you so much for your support in this.